9-4:30, M - F. year round. In Addition, during the school year: 2nd & 4th Sat. 9-12 & Tues until 6pm
Driving Directions:
One block north of North Avenue (Route 64) on Rohlwing Road (route 53). The front of our building faces Rohlwing. Donations are accepted in the back visitors in the front.
About Us
We help people discover how easy it can be to make a meaningful difference for our kids, for our environment, for our future…and often for all three at once.
Dedicated to Education
Our Executor Director, Kay McKeen, started SCARCE (formerly SCRAP) in 1990 and began teaching in DuPage County schools about recycling and other environmental issues and concerns. Kay was out teaching when she realized that many schools had countless textbooks just sitting in storage, taking up space. All the while, the information was becoming obsolete, it was costing the schools money for the books to sit in storage AND they were going to end up in the landfill! Therefore, in 1991 she started the Book Rescue with the idea of “rescuing” gently used books (text, reference and library) from going in the landfill, and instead putting them into the hands of those who need them.