Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Update from the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Date and Time
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
The Moment on Main
122 North Main Street
Wheaton, IL 60187
$30 members and their guests
$40 non-members

Come learn about the many gifts of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County when Daniel Hebreard, president, when he presents "Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: An Update from the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County" at our July luncheon. President Hebreard is a lifelong resident of DuPage County and a former ranger for the Forest Preserve District. He brings a passion for the environment along with years of experience to his role as a leader of this organization that includes 26,000 acres, 166 miles of trails and 60 forest preserves, generating 6.3 million visitors per year.