MLK's Chicago Freedom Movement
Date and Time
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Wheaton Public Library
225 N Cross St
Wheaton, IL 60187
Meeting Room A
Free event
Contact Information
Name: Bari Ericson
Email: ce@wheatonlibrary.org
Phone Number: (630) 868-7560
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Prepare to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., Day with photographer Bernard Kleina, whose rare and historic color photography exhibit, MLK's Chicago Freedom Movement, is on display during January in the library’s Arts & Culture Center.
In his presentation, The Road to Freedom, Mr. Kleina will discuss his experiences while he captured MLK’s Chicago visit and marches on film, and both the ugliness and beauty of the responses to the local struggle for fair and open housing, which continues today. He will review where our country was, and is now, in terms of justice and equality.
The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute said “These photographs of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in Chicago in 1966, are some of the first color photographs that the world saw of Dr. King. Mr. Kleina captured one of the most violent missions Dr. King undertook and it wasn't in the Deep South.”
City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission, Wheaton Public Library, and Wheaton League of Women Voters are partners to bring this program to the community.